Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: TSN Jets meter rockets to 24
After 2 days of continuous news, the TSN Jets meter took a huge leap from 15 to 24. TSN apparently is...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Possible move of Coyotes steals the show, Yotes deal on last legs, TSN’s ‘Hockey Insider’ Bob McKenzie is of opinion that NHL in Winnipeg next season more likely than Glendale.
Winnipeg Free Press: True North expected to trigger campaign for NHL season tickets. Very interesting news from Gary Lawless. If this...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Sportsnet Radio Fan 590 Doug MacLean & Nick Kypreos say Coyotes moving to Winnipeg , Deputy Commissioner Daly denies Sportsnet story, Plea to Wings fans to wear white to prevent embarrassing Yotes
Globe & Mail: NHL denies latest Coyotes rumour. Shoalts gets in on the Wpg/Yotes rumour fest. Winnipeg Sun: Coyotes deal on...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Senator McCain throws down on pulitzer prize winner George Will, Could Canada support a dozen NHL teams?
Globe & Mail: Money or no money, NHL not expanding in Canada. Commish Bettman better deliver with this television deal. While...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Death threats, hate mail, conspiracy theories. Welcome to hockey night in Phoenix.
Macleans: Dust-up in the Phoenix Desert. A comprehensive review of the entire debacle. I’d still like to know who is on...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoThrashers on my Mind: Team President Waddell says team wants to stay in Atlanta, Team’s future remains unclear.
While there has been a lot of talk of the Phoenix Coyotes moving back to Winnipeg, the Atlanta Thrashers have been...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Glendale’s sports mania encounters hard check, Sick of Coyotes talk…onto Thrashers chat.
Washington Post: An Arizona city’s sports mania encounters a hard check. Respected journalist George Will tackles the issue of the Coyotes...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Thrashers/Coyotes rated poorly in terms of sports loyalty, Nordiques nation planning another big move, Coyotes long road to ruin.
TSN: Dreger Report (Point #5). Not sure why Dreger thinks the league must be optimistic or else they would have pulled the plug...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Shane Doan has had enough, Glendale has worries, Last Nordique dreams of NHL return to Quebec City.
Toronto Star: The last Nordique dreams of NHL’s return to Quebec City. Folks in QC are eagerly awaiting a return of...
Daily Papers
/ 14 years agoDrama in the Desert: Coyotes fans want team to stay, Is no news good for Winnipeg or Glendale?
Winnipeg Sun: Coyotes fans want team to stay. I do agree that if the Coyotes stay, the Winnipeg/Phoenix battle would be...