Stories By David Minuk
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Are the Red Wings interested in Todd Bertuzzi?
Some news and notes from around the blogs: Snapshots: Positing a Red Wings-related rumor, reservations included. George isn’t one for spreading rumours...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Is it wrong to have loyalty to more than one NHL team?
Some news and notes from around the blogs: A View from the Cheap Seats: On transplants and team loyalty. Back when...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: No All Star game this year! Do you care?
Some news and notes from around the blogs: T.O. Sports: The NHL will not have an All Star game but does...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Is the NHL going too far to prevent Balsillie from joining the party?
Some news and notes from around the blogs: The Hockey News: Thrashers GM Waddell’s record not as bad as advertised. There...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Does the NHL have a secret plan to regain its popularity?
Some news and notes from the Blogs today: Down Goes Brown: The NHL’s secret plan to regain its popularity. Most of...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Taxi cab Kanefessions
Some news and notes from the Blogs today: Melt Your Face Off: Taxi cab Kanefessions. Funny. Good spoof of what the...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Top 10 Jeremy Roenick quotes!
Some news and notes from the Blogs today: The Hockey News: Top 10 Roenick quotes. Love him or hate him, he...
2010 Olympics
/ 15 years agoTeam Illinois/Team Wisconsin
One of the readers of our 2010 State Olympic teams asked me why I didn’t put together a Team Illinois or...
Blog Hits
/ 15 years agoHockey Hits: Sidney Crosby with a play from the playbook of former President George W. Bush!
Some news and notes from the Blogs today: Hockey for the Ladies: Pictures of Sidney Crosby arriving on an aircraft carrier in Nova...
Afternoon Delight
/ 15 years agoAfternoon Delight: As Mr. Mister sang in the 80’s are these Wings broken or can they fly again?
Some mid afternoon hockey news: Edward Fraser is not happy with his fellow The Hockey News bloggers for their season predicitions of the...