Note: As always remember to tune into Illegal Curve as we will have the audio following today’s Jets skate from the MTS Centre. Because Montreal played last night they will likely not skate. Following the game tune to IC for our podcast from the MTS Centre as well as audio from both dressing rooms.
Winnipeg Free Press: Jets don’t pass ‘click’ test. This team is still 6-1-0-1 at home in December and just one point back of 8th spot in the East with 1 game in hand. While the team was frustratingly inconsistent earlier this season, the month of December has been pretty, pretty, pretty good for Jets fans and perhaps a little angst is necessary to offset Jets nation getting too far ahead of itself. Let’s see how the team finishes off these final 4 games at home and 1 on the road before we determine the team isn’t clicking. Especially good news for the Jets is they will be fresh against a Montreal team that played in Chicago last night (a 5-1 Hawks victory) and arrived in Winnipeg quite late. As Remis looked at on our site yesterday, the Jets are 4-0 when the visiting team is coming off a game the previous night.
Winnipeg Free Press: Shootouts result in cheap thrills. As someone who never despised the tie (sometimes teams are simply equal) I am not a huge fan of the shootout. It is clear that coach Noel went based on past % and not who was hot during the game.
Winnipeg Sun: Pavelec calls ’em out. The Jets tender is right to be frustrated. He can only do his part, which he has done in exemplary fashion this season. Time for the forwards to contribute. This means guys in front, blocking the opposition goalie. And if the Jets score a dirty goal or two, you can bet the Jets goalie will be strong on the back end.
Winnipeg Sun: Fehr growing concern. It appears that Fehr is just being asked to do too much too soon. He has missed a lot of time (training camp, pre-season and the beginning of the season) so it isn’t a huge shock that he isn’t in mid season form.
Winnipeg Sun: Bottom six Jets putting up bagels, crowd needs a buzz. With diminished playing time comes less chances to chip in. The bottom six have had some good opportunities but have just failed to click. Regarding crowd noise, if the 300’s are asked to make some noise, you can bet they will get some chants started. Most crowd noise seems to emanate from here.
Toronto Star: Giant Queen portrait heads to auction. Wonder if Don Cherry will buy her? Seems a shame that the Queen has been stuck in storage for over a decade.
Globe and Mail: Hoping to make designer goalie pads hot again. Chris Mason’s pads are the talk of the hockey world and perhaps this will be the catalyst for a change in goalie pads in the NHL. Here is audio of Mason discussing the process behind designing the pads from Tuesday.
Next opponent news – Montreal Canadiens:
Winnipeg Free Press: Locals keep low profile on Habs controversy. You don’t ever want to give the other side any blackboard material. The Jets are doing the right thing by staying clear of this conversation. As someone who doesn’t reside in Quebec it is difficult to speak about this issue aside to say that winning is a language universally understood, something proven accurate when you consider the Red Fisher article below.
Montreal Gazette: P.K. Subban admits he needs to be better. He logs a lot of minutes and is quite outspoken, so the flashy Habs defenceman is an easy target. He doesn’t shy away and instead is taking responsibility for the team’s current woes.
Montreal Gazette: In any language, the Montreal Canadiens don’t show signs of being a winner. If anyone wants a good history lesson, it is this article written by Red Fisher who has spent 1/2 a century covering the Habs.
Winnipeg Sun: Habs bring cirque to Winnipeg. The media buzz touched down in Winnipeg late last night and will be here in the Peg’ trying to gain access to Jets assistant coach Pascal Vincent, who apparently is a 45-1 shot to get the job.