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Winnipeg Jets Afternoon News

Winnipeg Jets Afternoon News (Thursday, Dec 29th)

Jets welcome baby Buff. Slater a game time decision. Ticket fraudster busted. Jets host rejuvenated Kings. Game day post-practice audio.

Next opponent news – L.A. Kings: Kings travel to Winnipeg.

World Junior Report: Scheifele relieved after hitting scoresheet. No one’s neutral about the Swiss. Fans boo Junior Hockey celebrations.

Winnipeg Free Press: Jets welcome baby BuffGood time for Big Buff to be taking some time off as he welcomes his daughter into the worldWhile this is the 2nd Jets baby to be born this year, she is the first Jets baby born in Winnipeg.

TSN:  Slater a game time decisionHe was out on the ice at practice today but coach Noel wouldn’t reveal if he would be a player tonight.  The Jets are going to need someone to step up in the faceoff circle if Slater isn’t a go for tonight.  If he doesn’t play the lines were a bit jumbled today at practice, with only the Wellwood, Antropov and Ladd line remaining consistent.

Winnipeg Sun:  Jets ticket fraudster bustedCrime doesn’t pay and this guy is learning that lesson the hard wayUnfortunately for the people taken in by his fraud, they won’t likely receive any restitution but that is the chance you take when buying tickets in this manner.

CBC:  Jets host rejuvenated KingsWhile the Kings are 3-0-1 under new coach, the Jets have been excellent at closing out teams who are playing the 2nd game of a back-to-back.

Illegal Curve:  Game day post-practice audioChris Mason, Patrice Cormier, Blake Wheeler, Ron Hainsey, Tanner Glass, Tim Stapleton, Zach Bogosian, Coach Claude Noel.

Next opponent news – L.A. Kings:

Fox News:  Kings travel to WinnipegThe Kings are riding a points streak and the Jets are streak busters.  Something has to give tonight (unless Jets win in shootout).

World Junior Report:

Winnipeg Free Press:  Scheifele relieved after hitting scoresheetThe Jets first round pick got the monkey off his back with a 2 goal performance and Team Canada going back with Visentin against the Danes.

Globe and Mail:  No one’s neutral about the SwissThey have given team’s fits recently and are not a team you can look past any longer.

Edmonton Journal:  Fans boo Junior Hockey celebrationsA simple glove/stick in the air is enough to signify you’ve scored a goal.  If it was good enough for the Great One, it should be good enough for anyone else.

Jets Prospect News:

Portage Daily Graphic:  Kasdorf finding game in Des Moines.  An update on the Jets choice in the 6th round of the 2011 Entry Draft.