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Winnipeg Jets Morning Papers (Saturday, Jan 7th)

Realignment news – NHL players’ union blocks realignment. Jets stuck in Southeast after NHLPA rejects realignment.

Jets news – Leading men. Noel says blowouts no big deal. Ladd lacking? Little’s foot inches back. Not likely to pull blockbuster.

Next opponent news – Buffalo Sabres: Regier says no shake-up imminent as struggles intensify. Pominville travels long road to 500. 5,000 plus fans watch game on scoreboard.

Note:  Listen to the Illegal Curve Hockey Show that started at 10:15 on TSN Radio 1290 (instead of 12 pm) and will go until 3 pm.

Realignment News:

Globe and Mail:  NHL players’ union blocks realignmentDonald Fehr isn’t an easy negotiator and it appears he has fired the first salvo in the upcoming CBA battle.

Winnipeg Free Press:  Jets stuck in Southeast after NHLPA rejects realignmentWould still make sense to flip the Jets and one of the current Central division teams.

Winnipeg Sun:  No realignment big loss for JetsWell if you look at the Central division where the Jets would be heading, the team’s 43 points puts them in a solid 5th place, 3 points back of Nashville.  The playoff structure is what killed this deal for the NHLPA, and perhaps Jets fans shouldn’t be too upset to see this realignment deal undergo a bit of a restructure.

Illegal Curve:  NHL realignment delayed for next season.  Official statements from NHL and NHLPA.

Jets news:

Winnipeg Free Press:  Leading menGreat read on the leadership of the Jets and the interplay between it and coach Noel.

Winnipeg Free Press:  Noel says blowouts no big dealEnd of the day a loss is a loss and it doesn’t matter what the score was.  While no team likes to lose big, it is sometimes a reality, and in the Jets case, something they need to forget as they prepare to face the Sabres tonight.

Winnipeg Sun:  Ladd lackingHis style isn’t loud and overbearing, but Andrew Ladd seems to have the respect of everyone in the Jets dressing room.

Winnipeg Sun:  Little’s foot inches backJets fans had best repeat a phrase from Elaine Benes (Seinfeld) “get well, get well soon, we want you to get well”.

London Free Press:  Not likely to pull blockbusterThis team wasn’t built for a post-season run this year.  That isn’t to say anyone in the Jets organization would complain if the team slips in this season.  The expectation is this will be a 2-4 year build.

Next opponent news – Buffalo Sabres:

Buffalo News:  Regier says no shake-up imminent as struggles intensifyWhen we asked Mike Harrington of the Buffalo News back in November what Sabres fans expectations were, he said it was to win the Stanley Cup.  Have those changed?  Tune into the Illegal Curve Radio Show today as he will be a guest and we will see if fans have curbed their enthusiasm in Buffalo.

Buffalo News:  Pominville travels long road to 500The Sabres captain is hoping that tonight’s milestone evening is one to remember with a win.  Helps that Buffalo saw the return of Tyler Myers last night in Carolina.

Buffalo News:  5,000 plus fans watch game on scoreboardExtremely cool of the Sabres to put on a show for fans that aren’t able to watch the game on television because of an ongoing dispute between cable providers.