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Winnipeg Jets

Realignment News – Around Conference B:

We get reactions from all the newspapers in the Jets newly formed Conference B.

Realignment News – Around Conference B:

If you’d like to get to know the Jets new NHL roommates here are reactions from papers in the new conference.

Winnipeg Free Press:  NHL plans four Conferences next season.

Winnipeg Sun:  Re-alignment good for Jets, fans.

Winnipeg Sun:  Jets brass pleased with realignment.

Chicago Daily Herald:  NHL realignment gives Blackhawks three new rivalries.

The Tennessean:  Preds approve of realignment.

Detroit Free Press:  Under NHL realignment, Red Wings will play more in Eastern time zone.

Minneapolis StarTribune:  Leipold gets his wish – Wild out of Northwest.

Columbus Dispatch:  Jackets happy with final decision.

Dallas Morning News:  NHL shuffles the lineup and Stars welcome the change.

St. Louis Dispatch:  NHL realignment from the Blues perspective.