On Friday, November 24, 2012, NHL Deputy Commssioner Bill Daly and Special Counsel to the NHLPA Steve Fehr spent the day doing various radio interviews updating media outlets on the state of the game, rather than negotiating a new CBA.
On the next day’s Illegal Curve Hockey Show, host Drew Mindell shared his frustrations with the ongoing lockout.
Listen to the rant below:
“I don’t want to hear Bill Daly, then I don’t want to hear Steve Fehr on the radio. Don’t spend your Fridays doing that, spend your Fridays negotiating. That’s not too much to ask.
I understand that we’re on the radio and it’s great for these radio stations to get these interviews, you know what’s even better for radio stations? Have games to play! And talk about! Not Donald Fehr! Not Bill Daly! Not Gary Bettman! And not Steve Fehr! That’s better.
(Former NHLPA Executive Director) Paul Kelly was a terrific guest and was on this program two hours ago. With all due respect to Paul Kelly and the insights that he brings, I don’t want to talk to Paul Kelly very much.
I want to talk to the guys who are covering the teams the Jets are supposed to be playing. The Jets were supposed to be in Philly yesterday, on Black Friday in the US. I want to talk to Anthony SanFilippo, I want to talk to Sam Carchidi, I want to talk to the Philadelphia guys that cover that team on a daily basis.
I don’t want to have to talk about this anymore, and it’s insulting to fans to have to listen to these guys on the radio having dueling interviews, instead of sitting in a room and negotiating.”
Are you as frustrated with the current lockout as Drew Mindell? Sound off in the comments.