Winnipeg Sun: AHL can wait until mid-June for Moose. Can anyone imagine having to wait until mid-June to get a resolution to the situation in Phoenix or Atlanta.
TSN: Dreger Report (item #4). So far there hasn’t been much in the way of enlightening news.
Forbes: Atlanta Thrashers will likely be sold for 110 million. Sounds a lot better than 170-210 million the NHL reportedly wants for the Coyotes.
Canadian Press: Coyotes assistant coach Samuelsson heading to MODO of Swedish Elite League. Are people abandoning a sinking ship?
Winnipeg Sun: NHL team in Peg would be good for business. It would certainly help to bring 15,000 people downtown 3 to 4 times a week during the NHL season. Of course if I lose my standing reservation at Earls Main on Wednesday, then I’d prefer for a new NHL team to play at the Ice Plex west of the city.
Winnipeg Sun: Players would come here. As the longest tenured Jets so appropriately states:
“There are enough that want to win, and those are the ones you should target,” he said. “Players who think it’s not good here shouldn’t play here.”