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Daily Papers

Drama in the Desert: CBC’s Don Cherry talks Bryzgalov and the Queen on Coach’s Corner, Bryzgalov’s Jekyll-and-Hyde goalie act, Do Edmonton and Calgary not want to see a team return to Winnipeg?

Arizona Daily Sun:  Coyotes should stayReading his reasons why the Coyotes should stay shows that the author could have spent some more time at Arena.  Since when is Eric Belanger a big time hockey player.  And using two playoffs Game sellouts as an indication that the fans support the team makes no sense.  Especially since 1/3 to 1/2 the fans were wearing Red.

Edmonton Journal:  Jekyll-and Hyde goalie actGood thing Rangers have Lundqvist or I could see them wasting a pile of money on IlyaIt’s important to have good regular season numbers, but this league is a what have you done for me in the post season sort of place, and so far he isn’t faring too well in that category.

CBC (Video – starts at 1 minute):  After 40 Minutes The panel discusses Winnipeg.  Eric Francis suggests that Calgary/Edmonton wouldn’t be happy to see a team back in the Manitoba capital.  Said would decrease revenue and rivalry’s would take a while to redevelop.  Glenn Healy disagreed with him.

Arizona Republic:  Ilya Bryzgalov is no fan of WinnipegHis comments are going in the Eric Belanger category with an *.  While Belanger said he’d rather play in Quebec but then went on to add some inane comment about the Jets failing once and what else has changed, Bryzgalov too would have been quasi ok to say he’d rather choose him homeland over playing in Winnipeg.  (the * is because Belanger’s choice would have allowed him to compete for a Stanley Cup whereas Bryzgalov’s choice wouldn’t and perhaps indicates his level of desire to win a cup).

Winnipeg Sun:  It’s not over till Bettman eats a NipNo chance NHL cuts deal to keep team in Glendale on their dime.

CBC (video – starts at 6:02):  Coach’s CornerDon Cherry loves himself some Winnipeg and takes exception to Ilya Bryzgalov’s comments.  He’d like to see the Queen hanging at the MTS Centre for the 1st NHL home game in Winnipeg.  Wonder if Jennifer Hanson will be rocking that dress.

KTAR Radio (audio):  Coyotes Captain Shane Doan talks about the end of the yotes’ season and his own futureGood interview from Friday.  Not sure how we missed it.


The Checking Line:  The….endHe does a post-mortem on the team.  Gives a good player review for anyone who wants to know about this team for next season.