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Daily Papers

Drama in the Desert: Appears that Hulsizer has hit wall, Goldwater’s handy FAQ guide and more

Globe & Mail:  Goldwater Institute unmoved by McCain’s involvementStarting to feel like Winnipeg is a word not allowed to be said out loud at the league head office’sInteresting to note that we here in Winnipeg see all the positive’s that the city could bring to the NHL yet the disregard/disrespect towards our city is rather telling.

ESPN:  Coyotes escape ownership saga on the ice.  Knowing that 85% of the Coyotes staff have expiring contracts, including coaches, scouts and trainers can’t be good for business, yet hasn’t apparently impacted the on-ice performance of the club.

Arizona Republic:  Closer look at Phoenix Coyotes buyer guarantee to GlendaleAt the end of the day, his Delaware limited liability company, Arizona Hockey Holdings, would be left holding the bag not Matthew Hulsizer personally…and they can always default to a little thing called Bankruptcy and then where is the taxpayer left?

TSN:  Dreger Report (post #2).  When the option of free money starts to vanish, and you are left with the prospect of using your own, most people faced with this situation would similarly start to get cold feet Notice the difference in Hulsizer’s demeanor during these two Todd Walsh interviewsI’m not a body language expert but his (no longer smiling, not looking into camera) appears quite telling.

The Province:  How the City of Glendale needs to market Hulsizer (mid way down).  Perhaps a reverse Robin Hood analogy would work….

Winnipeg Free Press:  Coyotes saga well past ridiculous This saga has truly become a circus and needs to end, one way or another, rather soon.

Winnipeg Free Press:  Hulsizer pitch fails to impressSeems odd considering how “brain dead simple” he made his new, revised deal sound.

Goldwater Institute:  Glendale/Coyotes Deal FAQIf you have any questions as to Goldwater’s position, it is addressed in this handy FAQ’s they have provided.  Makes you wonder why the COG or Matthew Hulsizer haven’t come out with something similar.  I mean if they could prove that this deal saves the taxpayer of Glendale, then Goldwater wouldn’t have leg to stand on.

CBC:  Elliote Friedman’s 30 Thoughts (thought #22).  Not surprising that someone within the NHL underestimated the influence of Goldwater.

Note:  The City of Glendale has a regularly scheduled council meeting tonight starting at 7pm local Az time.  While there is no agenda and we’re not sure if the Coyotes situation will be addressed, if it is, it should be interesting to hear what they have to say with the latest developments.

Tweet of the Day:

If you see a tweet that pertains to this situation in Phoenix and you feel it is worthy of being the Tweet of the Day, why not let us know.  Send us a Tweet @illegalcurve.

Pictures from tonight’s St. Louis Blues vs. Phoenix Coyotes @ Arena:

These pictures comes courtesy of frequent IC reader @AllyK00.