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Winnipeg Jets prospect David Gustafsson’s reflections on his first NHL game

The Swedish prospect reflects on his first game as a pro.

Photo Credit: Colby Spence

2018 2nd round pick David Gustafsson made his NHL debut with the Jets against the Coyotes on Tuesday night.  While he only played 5 minutes and 59 seconds in the game it was clear the next day that coach Maurice was happy with the prospect from Sweden saying “I liked him…..I’ve got him in the lineup tomorrow night whether Bryan Little plays or not based on the six minutes that I saw and we’ll see what he does from there.”.

Now that he’s had a few days to reflect Gustafsson was asked today following AM skate as the Jets get ready for the Islanders about the past 48 hours and making his NHL debut.  With a smile on his face he answered “It was a special night.  It’s the thing I’ve been dreaming about ever since I was a kid.  I just went out and enjoyed it and that’s what I’m gonna do today too.”

Asked if there was a moment when it sunk in for him that he had arrived in the NHL.  “Ya. It was almost the day after actually. I got the game jersey. I looked at it back home and I thought ‘Ya I made it to the NHL’, that was a really cool feeling.”.  Turns out the Jets had given him his first game jersey as a memento of his NHL debut.