Coach Maurice – Is there any danger to diminishing Byfuglien with the constant shifting of him from forward to defence and vice versa? Would he ever need to just to leave Byfuglien at defence? What is Blake Wheeler’s status? Where is Eric O’Dell? What has he noticed about the team’s play at home? Does he change the philosophy of aggressiveness given the holes in the lineup? Was he expecting a tough stretch at this point in the season based on his style of play? What is he expecting from the Stars? Why is he going with Hutchinson? Is he willing to ride Hutchinson down the stretch? Is this home stretch the key opportunity for the Jets? Is the pressure of the playoffs impacting the team? What makes it difficult to getting back to the good, defensive style of game? Was it a given when Wheeler wasn’t a go to put Frolik on the 1st line and why?
Audio courtesy of TSN 1290 Winnipeg.