This week over at Hot Dog Hockey, I had the chance to provide my E-Take on the need for Hockey Night in Canada’s Satellite Hot Stove to revert back to old form.
Here is an excerpt:
What does the future hold for Satellite Hot Stove? That is a great question, but unfortunately it is an unanswerable question as the future is in the hands of CBC executives, of which I am not one. What do I want to see, as an avid hockey fan? That’s simple. Turn on your television these days, flip on any sporting event, and all you see is throwback jerseys. The popularity of the Edmonton Oilers blue and orange oil drop jersey, and the San Diego Chargers AFL powder blue jersey prove that retro is cool again. This needs to be the mantra of the decision makers responsible for Satellite Hot Stove. Retro is cool, and so the second intermission hot stove needs to get on the retro bandwagon. I know hockey fans from coast to coast to coast will thank you.
Read the entire article here.