Montreal Gazette: Misinformation surrounds Thrashers move. It’s hard to know up from down sometimes.
Toronto Star: After Winnipeg, where does NHL go next? Which city is most deserving of NHL hockey?
CBC: An ex-pat offers some hometown tips for incoming Thrashers. Only correction is that Burton Cummings didn’t singlehandedly save Sals. Earl Barish (former owner of the Winnipeg Cyclone or Thunder, name escapes me) and his wife are the majority owners.
National Post: IKEA has got Winnipeg’s back. Further proof that the city (and Province) are growing economically.
“Contrary to what some have maintained, we firmly believe Winnipeg can support one of our largest stores in Canada. We really do our homework to determine the sustainability and viability of our markets.”
Global Winnipeg: No more parties at Portage & Main. Is the forks such a bad alternative? I remember this one rally that we had there….. Bettman refutes reports about ‘done deal’ in Winnipeg. With all due respect to the Commissioner of the NHL he is coming off as way too disingenuous to the fans. Does he really think anyone believes him at this point? Have some respect for the people in Winnipeg & Atlanta and end the double speak.
Atlanta Journal Constitution: It will be a quiet holiday weekend on Thrashers front. Guess it means we will have to spice up IC with some interesting features this weekend to offset the possible lack of news. If you have something you’d like to see discussed, feel free to add it to the comments below. Or you can send us a tweet to @illegalcurve.
Atlanta Journal Constitution: Economy takes small bite from area fans ‘ support. Not a Thrashers specific article, but gives you a bit of a better understanding of what is happening in Georgia.
Leader-Post: Saskatchewan fans welcome to cheer. We’re prepared to suspend the Prairie rivalry.
Click ‘read more’ for additional all the news links, blogs, and today’s video of the day.
National Post: ‘Anti-Balsillie’ winning friends in Winnipeg. Not sure how anyone who owns a Blackberry can be anti-Balsillie, but clearly the NHL has a preferred way of getting into the ownership club and his is not the example to follow.
Winnipeg Free Press: Doing ‘Fergie’ proud. Nice story about the former Jets GM.
Winnipeg Free Press: Hashing out the details. Details so boring only lawyers being paid hourly would enjoy it.
Winnipeg Sun: Thrashers deal 80% complete. So it appears that Tuesday will be the day the party starts in Winnipeg (not counting last Thursday, May 19th).
Winnipeg Sun: Focus on the team, not what they are called. But when you have your cake, you want to eat it. As I said before if they go with Moose, people will still support team, but I can’t see people flocking to buy Moose jerseys.
Winnipeg Sun: Thrashers players stuck in the middle. When we had Thrashers goalie Chris Mason on the IC Radio show he sounded quite conflicted as the fans in Atlanta have treated the team well.
Fox Atlanta: Thrashers owners talks. Always two sides to a story.
Winnipeg Sun: Thrashers up-and-comers. We like this young, up and coming team.
Down Goes Brown: Guide to how the NHL has changed since the Jets left. One of the funniest hockey blogging sites you will find.
Yahoo: Top 5 reasons the NHL should come to Houston. Texas has an impressive hockey tradition. Although perhaps it is the nontraditional that has us supporting Texas hockey!!
SB Nation Atlanta: Do NHL Bylaws forbid the Thrashers from moving? Laura does an excellent job of actually researching/breaking down the particular bylaw (#36 – Transfer of Franchise Location) that pertains to relocation. Her interpretation of same seems to suggest that they should prevent the team from leaving Atlanta.
Winnipeg Free Press: Premature Ex-clamation. I do have to agree with Lett, why the rush to be first to report the news? Having said that, if you want to know anything related to the Return of the Jets, be sure to follow @illegalcurve on twitter.
Video of the Day: