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General NHL

Oilers Press Conference

 Head Coach Pat Quinn:

“Very happy for this opportunity”
“Happy to be back in Canada”
“Historic franchise”
“Great fans”

 Associate Coach Tom Renney

“This was a no brainer”
“I will work within Pat’s framework”
“Nice to be back in Western Canada”

 General Manager Steve Tambellini

“I wanted a great coaching staff”
“Successful situations rely on strength of the group”

Question & Answers

Pat Quinn
Q. Do you need to awake the Vets?
A. “I think we will provide an environment where guys will want to work hard”

Tom Renney
Q. Was it hard stepping back from being a Head Coach to an Associate Coach?
A. “I look at it as an opportunity to grow”

Pat Quinn
Q. What are your thoughts on completing your staff?
A. “I want to bring someone in who will complement our total group here, but don’t want to get too fat”

Pat Quinn
Q. This is the first time you will be without Rick Ley, have you considered bringing him in?
A. “Nothing has been decided”, “If we don’t bring him in here then he should get consideration elsewhere”

Pat Quinn
Q. Discussing how he got into coaching.
A. “After my playing career ended prematurely, it was either law school or become an assistant coach”