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Game Recaps

Jets on a Deadline: Jets v. Flyers–October 27, 2011

The final score reads like an all-star game score, not a regular season NHL game. The Jets almost matched their entire season output of goal scoring. Jets win a barn burner as they start off the road trip right, winning 9-8 in Philadelphia.

The IC crew is still shell shocked from the 1980 like scoring fest we saw tonight in Philadelphia.  A 9-8 Jets win was simply unbelievable.

As we were all busy tonight and in the interest of expedience here are the recaps from various papers;

Winnipeg Free Press:  Jets beat Flyers 9-8.

Winnipeg Sun:  Jets beat Flyers 9-8 in wild game.

Globe and Mail:  Jets turn back the clock.

Courier Times:  Flyers’ rally falls short in wild 9-8 setback.

The Times Herald:  Flyers look sloppy in loss to Jets.

Philadelphia Sports Daily:  Bryzgalov “I have zero confidence in myself”If you are a Flyers fan you can’t be happy with the goalie your team just spent 51 million dollars on talking like this. Three Star Selections:

1st Star:  Nik Antropov

2nd Star:  Tanner Glass

3rd Star:  Danny Briere.