Season ticket holders got an email from the team today giving them the option to reserve their season tickets for the playoffs. The pricing structure breaks down as follows;
So do you expect the Jets to make the playoffs? Submit a vote in our poll which asks this question. Here is more from the Jets in their email to season ticket holders.
From the Jets:
The deadline to reserve your seats for Winnipeg Jets 2014 Playoffs is Friday, March 7th, 2014. As a reminder, no payment is required at this time, just your on-line confirmation that you want to renew your seats for the 2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Please note this deadline as seats not renewed by March 7th will be released.
Pricing is based on the maximum number of four (4) games per round that could potentially be played. By committing to the playoff package prior to the deadline, you will save on individual game ticket prices as they become available and guarantee your seats for every Winnipeg Jets home playoff game.
Payment options:
PAY AS WE PLAY – Pay for each of the four (4) playoff rounds only as they are confirmed. All playoff rounds will be charged on the basis of the maximum four (4) games playable per round. Credit from games not played will be applied to payment for each subsequent round. In the event of carry-over credit, only the difference will be charged to your account. Any credit remaining at the end of the playoffs will be applied to payment for your 2014-2015 Winnipeg Jets season seats.
PAY IN FULL – Pay for all four (4) rounds (a total of 16 games) in advance. Any credit remaining at the end of the playoffs will be applied to payment for your 2014-2015 Winnipeg Jets season seats.