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Signs in Support of the Jets Around Winnipeg

Since the announcement of the return of the NHL to Winnipeg a few months ago, the support from the public for the team has been overwhelming. The tickets sold out in minutes, the lineup to buy the new merchandise was down the block, and now people are clamoring for the jerseys.

Take a drive around Winnipeg, it is easy to spot many businesses showing their support for the franchise. While the announcement was months ago, the feeling of an NHL franchise in the city is new and fresh.

Are these businesses simply showing their support for the team? Or is putting a “Go Jets Go” sign in front likely to attract new customers?

Whether for personal benefit, or for general excitement and gratitude, I have taken a few pictures of some signs I have seen around the city. I expect many more businesses to put up similar signs as October 9th nears.

The goal of this post is to create an album with as many “Go Jets” or “Welcome Back Jets” signs as possible. I invite all of our readers to snap pictures of signs that they see around the city and tweet them to us @IllegalCurve or e-mail them to info[at] . Whenever I see a new sign I will be updating this album.

[album: Signs Around Winnipeg/]

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