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NHL Draft

2011 NHL Entry Draft: Winnipeg Jets 1st Round draft pick

The first draft pick in the new team’s history was made just a short while ago.  The highlight was definitely True North’s Mark Chipman saying “who will make our first pick on behalf of the Winnipeg Jets……”, a moment that will stand out for a long time.

Then GM Kevin Cheveldayoff  went off the board and picked Mark Scheifele from the Barrie Colts coached by none other than Winnipeg Jets legend Dale Hawerchuk.

From TSN:

Player: Mark Scheifele
Position: C
Notes: He’s got to fill out and work on his skating, but he has the ability to be a great player in the National Hockey League. – Bob McKenzie

More video of the #7 pick and from the media section of the draft floor after the jump.

Here’s some video on the #7 pick:

We will hopefully have more from Ez, Remis and Kyle from the draft floor.  Here is some video from the media section.