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Winnipeg Jets

Winnipeg Jets sign Dylan DeMelo to a four-year contract extension

The right side Dman is staying in Winnipeg.

The right-side of the Jets defence has been a big question mark with uncertainty surrounding Dylan DeMelo who was scheduled to become a UFA on July 1st.

Dylan DeMelo close up

Photo Credit: Colby Spence (Illegal Curve)

That question mark has been removed as the Jets just announced they have signed DeMelo to a four-year deal with an AAV of 4.9 million.

The 31-year old at the end of season media availability expressed a desire to win a championship and be with a group where he felt that was possible as well as a chance to set down roots.

“I know for sure I’m definitely comfortable here. I’ve played my best hockey here. I really think my best hockey is still ahead of me. I’ve really loved my time here. The guys in this room are guys I want to play with and want to win with.”

He was asked directly back on May 2nd if Winnipeg was a place he’d prefer to stay

“I can definitely see myself staying here. There’s no doubt about it. Like I said I am definitely comfortable here. Felt like I’ve grown here as a player as a person. I do hope it works here. I really do. We’ll see how things go here. We’ve got two months, hopefully earlier, to get something figured out. I really enjoy the city and being here and the fans. It feels like home for sure. So I hope it works out. Obviously nothing is guaranteed but I could definitely see myself staying here.”

After being acquired by the Jets from the Senators back in 2019-20 he has become a big part of the team in Winnipeg. Last year was his fourth full season which was his most productive from a points perspective (31) and also the first time he played all 82 games.

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