Jets news:
Winnipeg Free Press: Punish Pavs, MADD says. I suspect next season Pavelec will be more likely seen shooting a commercial for MADD than he will selling cars for the local car dealers.
Winnipeg Sun: Pavelec’s agent should have been up front about DUI. Without knowing who knew what when it is hard to talk in absolutes, but one would have to suspect that Allan Walsh was aware of his client’s legal issues in the Czech Republic.
CBC: Pavelec loses right to drive in Manitoba. Title might be a tad misleading as MPI wouldn’t comment on the specifics of Pavelec’s case and it appears somewhat grey as to the letter of the law.
CBA news:
The Hockey News: The CBA war between owners. Even amongst billionaires there are the haves and have-nots. Not a real surprise that there isn’t a totally unified approach to negotiations. NHL states desire to settle CBA talks by Sept. 15. Wouldn’t that be a nice birthday present for yours truly.
Comcast New England: Roenick – ‘I’m afraid for the NHL’. J.R. is never one afraid to speak his mind and he lets his feelings be known in this video.
NHL news:
Philadelphia Inquirer: Flyers make offer to Weber; will Nashville match? Gonna be a nervous 7 days between Tennessee and Pennsylvania. Just when you thought the deals couldn’t get any crazier, the Flyers flex some east coast muscle.
1500 ESPN: Modano mulling a comeback, says he’s feeling Minnesota. When he played what many thought was his last game in 2009-10 and put on a Minnesota North Stars jersey while skating around the Xcel Energy Center, their was an electricity in the air. Would an in-shape Modano be of interest to this younger Wild team?
The Seattle Times: How Seattle arena deal stacks up. Interesting read. The NHL is key (although Hansen has said he would look for someone else to own the team) as outlined in the article as follows;
“King County will contribute $80 million toward construction costs, but only if an NHL team is part of the deal. With no NHL team, the county will contribute only $5 million.”
CFL Report:
Illegal Procedure: Winnipeg Blue Bombers Papers. If you are a fan of CFL football, check out our other site, which gives you all the latest Bombers news.