The Jets injury woes continued as they lost Mathieu Perreault and Joel Armia in tonight’s game against the Washington Capitals. We will have to wait to hear from coach Maurice if it was simply precautionary or if they are significant injuries. Chris Thorburn was away from the team as his family had a positive (assuming a baby or something of that nature but hasn’t been confirmed) situation. (Update: Coach Maurice advised the media following the game that he will advise on Friday if they need to make any call-ups)
If the Jets need to make a call or two to the Manitoba Moose expect Nic Petan and Chase De Leo as possible options. Quinton Howden also has six goals in nine AHL games with Manitoba so he could get a call. Scott Kosmachuk is in the press box for tonight’s game against the Monsters so we have to assume he is dealing with some sort of injury. Will find out post-game from coach Vincent.