Topics covered included:
1) Is there a priority list of “things that need to be worked on”?
2) Changing bad habits into good ones (:59)
3) Shift length (1:44)
4) How does he know when to deliver that message? (2:45)
5) Why it is ok to be honest with the media (3:46)
6) Did he see players giving more effort today? (4:30)
7) Status of Mikhail Berdin? (5:01)
8) Philosophy of rolling four lines/top six vs bottom six (5:22)
9) Using Ville Heinola on the left side today (6:25)
10) Is he a “hardass” coach and how has that evolved? (6:47)
11) He will coach the team “his way”. (7:54)
12) Can Mason Appleton be an important player for this team? (8:44)