Unless you have been living under a rock, you are sure to be aware that the first round of the playoffs is well underway. That being said, I would like to provide our readers with a few media related storylines that have been mentioned briefly, but warrant a little extra exposure. An no, this does not include a discussion about the new Kia Forte or Bud Light “Graphics/Recaps” commercials.
TSN’s First Round Impact
Aside from Roberto Luongo, TSN2 has been the hero of the first round thus far. Well, so long as you don’t use Rogers as your Digital Cable provider. TSN2’s coverage of games shown on Vs. and MSG have allowed viewers to tune into first round games that normally would have only been available on NHL Centre Ice. Hard to believe that Rogers and TSN2 are at a stalemate in reaching an agreement. Let’s hope this is resolved before the Olympic coverage starts next year. It should also be mentioned that for the first time TSN is able show Canadian team’s playoff games. Previously the CBC would have a monopoly over these games, and often times viewers would be without certain games when they were split up regionally. However, CBC still reigns superior in its coverage…
There’s no doubt that despite TSN stealing the HNIC theme, CBC is still the champ when it comes to broadcast quality. I’m not sure what it is, but that “big game” mentality doesn’t seem to be there when watching games on TSN. This brings me to my next two points…
Bob Cole’s Return
Bob’s playoff performance has been so dominant thus far; it would make John Druce proud. His play calling during the Habs-Bruins series adds the feeling that this is the game of the night that you should be watching – not wasting your time with Gord Miller and that stupid monkey.
PJ Stock’s Playoff Beard
It seems CBC has finally found a niche market for PJ Stock – an audience that is still in Elementary School. This is not necessarily a bad thing for the CBC, as his childish humour is breath a of fresh air and a nice departure from other serious segments like The Headliner, for example. Update: PJ’s playoff beard is now on Day #6, with stubble only visible on the best 1080p high-def TV’s out there.
NHL.com unveils “The Portal”
I still don’t know exactly what a Portal is, but I do know that the NHL is advertising it like crazy, complete with TV commericals and rink board ads. The main page (or I guess “Portal”) on NHL.com has undergone a redesign for the playoffs with a few new video/interactive features added, but more or less has the same content otherwise.
Roger Millions’ Gaffe
Previously linked by Illegal Curve contributor David, Roger Millions uttering “cocksucker!” on live TV rivals any of the above storylines. Darren Millard and the rest of the Sportsnet crew’s reaction was equally as priceless.
Save-on-Foods Donation
And finally, an article also previously linked by Illegal Curve, pertains to Save-on-Foods donating thousands of dollars for the CBC to get a truck out in St. Louis to show the Canuck’s road games in HD. Nice to see Save-on-Foods donating to such a worthy cause. Maybe this off-season they’ll donate some cash to put Kyle Wellwood on Weight Watchers.