Remember those lame clip shows of The Simpsons that used to air, when it was overtly obvious that the writers had no ideas and were being lazy, so they instead just decided to piece together various highlights? Well, consider this the HD Corner Clip Show.
Leading up the playoffs, here are video clips of my Top 20 Playoff Goals. Keep in mind these goals are based on their impact and place in hockey history, not so much based on their visual appeal.
(20) Dougie Gilmour vs. St. Louis, 1993. Love Gilmour, still hate the Leafs.
(19) Steve Yzerman vs. St. Louis, 1996. If Fuhr wasn’t hurt, this shot might have been saved.
(18) Theo Fleury vs. Edmonton, 1991. Most famous celebration?
(17) Wayne Gretzky vs. Toronto, 1993. Could have been a Toronto-Montreal final if not for Wayne.
(16) Uwe Krupp vs. Florida, 1996. Beezer should have had that one.
(15) Todd Marchant vs. Dallas, 1997. Bob Cole’s call is legendary.
(14) Darren McCarty vs. Philadelphia, 1997. Niinimaa still looking for his jock.
(13) Brett Hull vs. Buffalo, 1999. Most controvsial NHL goal of all-time. Still don’t think this goal should have counted.
(12) Keith Primeau vs. Pittsburgh, 2000. The latest I’ve ever been up on a school night.
(11) Petr Nedved vs. Washington, 1996. Nedved’s claim to fame.
(10) Peter Klima vs. Boston, 1990. No clip available
(9) Wayne Gretzky vs. Calgary, 1988. Game 7 winner.
(8) Pat LaFontaine vs. Washington, 1987. Prior to Kelly Hrudey’s bandana days.
(7) Stephane Matteau vs. New Jersey, 1994. En route to the Rangers’ first cup since 1940.
(6) Steve Smith vs. Edmonton, 1986. Flames go on to Cup finals against the Habs.
(5) Lanny McDonald vs. Montreal, 1989. Gilmour had the winner, but this is the goal that clinched it.
(4) Guy LaFleur vs. Boston, 1979. Cherry’s too many men goal.
(3) Bobby Nystrom vs. Philadelphia, 1980. The makings of a dynasty.
(2) Bobby Baun vs. Detroit, 1964. Scored on a broken leg.
(1) Bobby Orr vs. St. Louis, 1970. The ultimate goal from the ultimate player.