From James Mirtle at From The Rink:
The key figures of note from this past season? For one, the announced gate figure is an incredible 3,923 higher than the number of people who actually went through the turnstiles for each game, a total pegged at just under 11,000.
The good news? A lot of those tickets that weren’t used were at least paid for (this season anyway). Paid attendance figures are actually up significantly from where they were in the first season after the lockout, when the team apparently sold just 11,340 per game and yet announced attendance of 15,570.
Read the entire post here.
The disaster continues for the NHL. As I commented over at FTR, this has been an unmitigated disaster for the NHL. Even if they win the case versus Balsillie, so much information has been leaked that had once been private. Furthermore, that information is generally of the unflattering nature and makes Phoenix’s situation look more dire by the day.
Considering all the statistics and numbers we’ve been privy to, why on earth would someone want to buy this team and keep them in the desert? It looks like a guarantee to lose money. Even in the strongest economical times that isn’t a desireable option for someone more affluent; but especially in today’s economic climate it seems like it would be even less desireable than ever.