Winnipeg Jets post-game report

Game 37: Jets 3 Blackhawks 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing rooms as well as from Coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 36: Jets 4 Canucks 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing rooms as well as from Coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 35: Canucks 4 Jets 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing rooms as well as from Coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 34: Jets 4 Avalanche 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing rooms as well as from Coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 33: Jets 4 Panthers 3 in SO post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 32: Oilers 3 Jets 2 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 31: Flames 6 Jets 2 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 30: Rangers 2 Jets 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 29: Red Wings 4 Jets 3 in SO post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago

Game 28: Jets 2 Blackhawks 1 post-game report

Post-game from the Jets dressing room as well as from coach Maurice.

8 years ago