From Damien Cox of the Toronto Star:
Wilson’s NHL resumé does not include, however, being employed in an over-zealous hockey market like Toronto, which has a weird and wonderful and wacky dynamic shared in intensity by only a half-dozen other cities on the circuit.
It’s one thing to coach in Orange County, or the District of Columbia, or deep in the Silicon Valley, and quite another to dip one’s toe into the piranha-infested waters of places like Montreal, Vancouver, New York, Philadelphia and, of course, Toronto.
Wilson should be able to handle it. He’s bright, experienced and articulate. Then again, he’s already musing about those media persons he considers are out to “get” him, and made no friends at TSN during the playoffs for publicly roasting one of the network’s reporters for asking a perfectly innocent question.
Paranoia and a thin skin won’t help him here.
We’ll see how Wilson handles it and handles himself. He’s gone from being in markets where hockey’s an afterthought to one in which the identity of those he assigns to fourth-line duty will be the subject of hot debate 24 hours a day.
Read the entire article here.
Wilson likes to get sarcastic with the media (and seemingly everyone else) but I see him being able to handle the constant media attention he will be under Toronto. The most important point for Leafs nation is that Wilson will provide some stability to an organization that truly needs just that right now.