News from around the hockey blogosphere:
- The Montreal crowd can’t help but love Alexander Ovechkin. Montrealers appreciate talent when they see it.
- Apparently Ilya Kovalchuk is going to be calling George Mitchell to provide him with advice on how to broker peace talks. He has that 2010 Olympic Games issue on his mind.
- Eyes on the Prize looks at an old Habs team from 1930. By the way, good job by the CBC to have a piece on the Habs history last night after the “Skills” competition.
- Here is a clip from that very skills competition. Can they just play a game of horse already?
- Are the Leafs intrigued by Jay Bouwmeester? Who isn’t?
- Hockey isn’t baseball, so let’s chill on the stats, writes Jason Gregor of Oilers Nation. Well-written piece by Gregor.
Update: Finally, here’s the late release of Jim Matheson’s Hockey World which wasn’t up on the Edmonton Journal website when I did the papers.