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On the Beat

On the Beat: Shooting more isn’t helping in the Final

What team beat writers are saying this afternoon:

Stanley Cup Final

  • If you outshoot your opponent, you lose in the Finals.  Isn’t that the oddest thing?  Also odd is the fact that the team on the road is the one outshooting.
  • Mike Lange’s goal calls from Game 3.  Always hilarious.

Everyone Else

  • Should Hawks fans be worried about Martin Havlat bolting townHavlat has said he loves Chicago, but he won’t sign there for too cheap.  To be honest, is he worth the investment when they have some big players coming up on free agency? Don’t get me wrong, I really like Havlat as a player.  In fact, I’ve been a long-time fan of his, but Toews, Kane and Keith, among others, need to get paid. 
  • Steve Zipay of Newsday thinks the Rangers should select a forward at the Draft.  Agreed.

Duhatschek’s weekly notebook

  • It is a weekly must-read, so check it outSo much great information in that piece.