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Montreal Canadiens game day audio

After a later arrival following the Hawks game last night, the Habs didn’t skate today but they were available to the media. Scrums with Michael Cammalleri, P.K. Subban, Travis Moen and coach Randy Cunneyworth.

Michael CammalleriCoach talk a distraction to team?  Type of coach Cunneyworth is?  Asked about first goal scored in MTS CentreKeys to tonightImportance of first goalWhat is wrong with the Habs?

P.K.SubbanTrying to do too muchAccountabilityMaking mistakesMood in the room.  Coach have authority?  Sticking to game plan.  Pressure on team.  Playing in front of the MTS Centre crowd. 

Travis MoenKeys to beating the JetsTeam frustrationImportance of winImpact of loss to HawksTeam leaders stepping upAccountabilityTeam focus.  System changes.

Coach CunneyworthWelcome to Winnipeg.  Importance of tonight’s game.  Touches on loss to Hawks.  Taking anything from the Home Opener?   Close to having everyone on board?  Players being accountable.  Asked about coaching controversy.  Who he leans on.  Fun of being a head coach.