Be sure to tune into the Radio Show tonight from 8pm CST through to 10pm CST. Our first hour we will interviewing our two guests and the second hour will consist series previews for all four conference semi-finals and your calls.
Tonight’s guests are Chris Zelkovich of the Toronto Star and Corey Masisak of the Washington Times. Zelkovich covers the sports media for the Star and will provide us with his insights on the first round coverage, ratings and a lot more. Masisak covers the Capitals for the Times and will help us review Round 1 and look forward to the Capitals’ much anticipated matchup in Round 2 versus the Penguins.
If you have any questions for the guests be sure to drop them in our mailbag. Additionally, if you want to call-in tonight the number is 204-780-KICK or email us at
We hope you tune in,
The IC Team