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Drama in the Desert: Weekend News including team not called Jets, Sustainability in Winnipeg and more.

Winnipeg Sun:  When NHL returns, team won’t be called JetsAs a wise man once said to me, I don’t care what they are called as long as an NHL team is back in the city

East Valley Tribune:  ‘Biz’ no whiz with wordsPerhaps insensitive, his words sure seemed to be a completely accurate assessment of the market.

Buffalo News:  Coyotes on the moveNothing really new for people following the saga of the Coyotes, but worth noting that the news has moved from simply being in Winnipeg & Arizona publications to papers across North America.

CBC:  Sustainability in WinnipegIf you missed Scott Oake’s piece on whether the city could afford the NHL, you need to watch this video.  My favorite moment was his throwing Mike Milbury under the bus for his uninformed comments from last week’s Hot Stove.

Winnipeg Sun:  Coyotes hand grenadeWouldn’t entire season qualify as lame duck?

Bond Buyer:  Glendale, Arizona seeking to trim bond deal for Hockey team sale. (Registration required)  Sure it might keep the costs more in-line for the COG but still doesn’t deal with the legality of the transactionOur thanks to IC reader Darrell for pointing this story out.

Be sure to check back here as this we will update this page if there is any news throughout the day.