From the Detroit News:
If you’re interested in saving some money, act fast.
Reserve before Aug. 4, specifically, and you’ll lock in to last season’s prices (ranging from $22 to $85).
If you wait until after Aug. 4, those seats go up $2 per ticket.A total of 1,869 tickets for seats in the upper bowl, which were priced at $44, have dropped to $33, while some $54 seats have gone down to $44.
And the first three rows off the ice in the lower bowl, which were $85 last season, have gone up to $125 (although the Wings stress they’re still the second-least-expensive such ticket in the league).
Steve Violetta, the Red Wings’ senior vice president of business affairs, said the opportunity to lock in to last season’s prices has existed since February, when the team began selling playoff ticket packages.
Smart move by the Red Wings to take some of the sting out of a ticket. The increase in the lower bowl shouldn’t affect attendance too much, but the decrease up top may draw in a few more fans.