1. What has his focus been like since the draft and what’s it like signing the contract?
2. What are lessons he learned in last World Junior camp?
3. How much involvement did he have with setting up his contract?
4. On the bonuses that were included in his contract and if one caught his eye?
5. How excited is he to match himself against the best in the World Juniors?
6. Can the World Juniors prep him for the Jets?
7. What does he see as his chances to make the Jets?
8. What are his thoughts on the proposal for no hitting in the OHL?
9. What does he need to work on to take next step?
10. What has he done to keep himself in shape during COVID-19?
11. What has been the last month been like since he was drafted?
12. His thought process ahead of signing his contract?
13. Is there one thing top of mind ahead of Team Canada selection camp in Red Deer?
14. At what point did he take a look at the Jets roster?
15. Who does he model his game after?
16. What does he remember from his exit meeting last year from Team Canada and how was he able to use it?