From Erik Erlendsson of the Tampa Tribune:
Q: So does that mean you have a pretty aggressive game plan put together in terms of free agency when it opens on July 1?
LB: “We might be camping out at two different spots selling our team, selling our city and selling our passion.’’
OK: “We are probably going to be in certain player’s back yards with a tent, seriously, the day of. The day the clock strikes we will probably be at their home. And I don’t want that written because I don’t want anybody stealing our ideas. But we are serious, we are seriously talking about doing that.’’
Read the rest of the short interview here.
It sure looks like the Lightning isn’t going to be overly worried about the salary cap this summer. With a core of Lecavalier, St. Louis, Boyle and Stamkos, a couple of good moves this off-season could vault the Bolts up the standings and back into the playoffs.