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Which national hockey broadcast do you prefer?

With today’s release of the NHL television schedule, I figured today was a good day to ask your opinion on which national broadcast you prefer most.

I have to admit, my personal favorite is still Hockey Night in Canada.  That is not say I don’t enjoy watching TSN.  In fact, TSN has improved over the past few seasons and has arguably reached equal footing with its CBC counterpart.  Nonetheless, the tradition and “big-game feel” that CBC brings makes their broadcasts my number one choice.

As for the States, having lived there for a number of years, I would like to see Versus add more insider information into its intermission panels.  The station is heading in the right direction, but there is certainly room for improvement.  In regards to NBC, the broadcast is solid but they just don’t cover enough games to vault into my top two.

Let us know your preference by voting in our newest poll.  Also, leave your preference and reasoning for your selection in the comments section and I’m sure we can get some interesting back-and-forth dialogue

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