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Edmonton Oilers

Strudwick signs with Oilers

From Copper & Blue:

Strudwick is from Edmonton originally, and brings size (6’4″, 225lbs) and pugilistic ability to the table (10 majors, only 4 minors last season). He hits and blocks shots and brings no offense whatsoever.

Right now, I’d peg this signing as a Matt Greene replacement, and Strudwick should have no difficulty whatsoever filling in against the 4th line filler of the league. By all accounts he’s a character guy. Still, there’s some upside to this trade. The Oilers have acquired this sort of player in the past, the utility forward/defender with little offense, and it usually goes one of two ways: Scott Ferguson, or Steve Staios. It seems much more probable that Strudwick’s performance as an Oiler mirrors the first, but it isn’t impossible that it mirrors the latter.

Read the entire post from Copper & Blue here.

This is hardly a significant signing by the Oilers. Strudwick has been brought aboard to merely provide depth on defense. If he is given the opportunity to provide something more, then the Oilers will probably be golfing come April.

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