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Calgary Flames

Veterans will be fighting for spots on Calgary’s defense next season

From Jean Lefebvre of the Calgary Herald:

Still, it stands to reason the blue-line ranks will be thinned before opening night. “Robyn (Regehr) and Cory (Sarich) and Dion (Phaneuf) and Jimmy and Gio, they’re all still young guys and they’re all going to improve,” said Sutter. “Then you have the three veterans (Eriksson, Warrener and Adrian Aucoin), those three are going to fight for spots to play on our team. And they’re not all going to be here, that’s obvious.”

Read the entire article here.

While both Eriksson and Rhett Warrener have already been placed on waivers once, Aucoin’s name has not really been mentioned as a player who will have to fight for his job. Perhaps this is a challenge from GM Darryl Sutter for Aucoin to drastically improve his play for next season.


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