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Jarret Stoll = Heartbreaker

Please enjoy this piece (pun intended) by infrequent IC contributor, Amanda Kosior.
I heart celebrity gossip.  My husband loves hockey.  Every once in a while, our worlds collide.  Today is one of those days.  Jarret Stoll has dumped Rachel Hunter.  According to the Brits, she’s devastated(  And by “devastated,” I think they mean that she was a little sad, and then remembered that she is Rachel Hunter and got over it.

There’s a Jerry Seinfeld joke that goes something like this (and I’m not putting quotes around it because I’m sure I’m butchering it – go buy his book “Seinlanguage” if you want to read it for realsies): A marriage is between a beautiful blushing bride…and some guy.  That’s why all the men wear tuxedos – if the groom doesn’t show up, the rest just slide over one spot and she marries the next.

Don’t worry, Rachel – there are a zillion Canadian hockey players out there who would happily slide over.

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