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Billeting WHL players

From the Portland Tribune:

Carol Bechtold’s Northwest Portland home shrinks every August. Or, at least, it seems to. That’s when the Portland Winter Hawks hockey team sends Bechtold one or two teenage hockey players to put up – the team calls it billeting – for the season. And hockey players being hockey players, and all of them away from home, they tend to travel in bunches.

“You don’t only have your own players tromping through your house, you’ve also got his buddies,” Bechtold says. “You never know how many people are going to be there for dinner.”

Bechtold, a title company escrow officer by day, has been putting up and putting up with the players, August through April, for 26 seasons. In some ways, the players have been the constant in her life.

Read the Q & A between Bechtold and the paper here.

**Special thanks to Greg Drinnan over at Taking Note for finding this piece**

This is a very interesting article to read. It provides more insight into the junior hockey life.

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