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12/8 Illegal Curve Hockey Show Part 2

Download part 2 of Saturday’s Illegal Curve Hockey Show. Originally aired December 8, 2012

The Illegal Curve Hockey Show – December 8, 2012 – Part 2

Live from St. Vital Mall in support of The Christmas Miracle

0:00 – Is the NHL as unified as they say they are?

11:32 – How many games need to be played for it to be a legitimate season?

21:15 – Interview with Ray Ratto of CSN Bay Area

35:19 – Mark Scheifele and the World Junior Hockey Championship

46:46 – Rapid Fire

56:07 – Interview with Constantine aka @Jetsxoxo – Cheers & Jeers

The Illegal Curve Hockey Show airs Saturdays from noon-3pm on TSN 1290 Winnipeg.