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1/21 Illegal Curve Hockey Show Part 2

Download part 2 of Saturday’s Illegal Curve Hockey Show that aired on TSN 1290 on Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Illegal Curve Hockey Show – January 21, 2012 – Part 2

0:00 – Interview with Ed Tait of the Winnipeg Free Press

17:21 – Discussion of Elliotte Friedman’s article “Big Deals Don’t Always Pay Big Dividends”

26:35 – Interview with David Ebner of the Globe & Mail

39:35 – Six things we learned this week

50:26 – Trade deadline discussion

1:02:14 – Rapid Fire, Cheers & Jeers

The Illegal Curve Hockey Show airs Saturdays on TSN 1290 from 12pm-3pm