Atlanta Journal Constitution: Stewart will miss milestone as Thrashers move to Winnipeg. Really interesting story on Thrashers/Flames longtime equipment manager.
Winnipeg Free Press: True North, MTS to expand partnership. I like the positive attitude with the thought that they can push deal t0 2030. NHL is here to stay.
CBC: True North extends arena deal with MTS. Not surprised they extended another 8 years. Smart move by MTS.
Winnipeg Free Press: From London, with Love. As first seen on Illegal Curve yesterday, it appears as though this design has (allegedly) caught the attention of Mark Chipman & TNSE.
ESPN: Uni Watch readers redesign Thrashers jersey. Some interesting concepts but we are still wowed by the professionalism of the presentation we saw out of England yesterday.
Winnipeg Free Press: Important Corporate Sponsorship Announcement Today. The first announcement in, what I am sure, will be a string of corporate announcements in the coming weeks and months. The fans bought the tickets, now the corporate sponsors will buy the advertising.
Ottawa Citizen: Winnipeg won’t rush coaching decision. I don’t really see an advantage to rushing aside from the possibility that another team on the hunt is about to snatch up your first choice.
Winnipeg Free Press: (Old) Jets Memorabilia and Merchandise in High Demand. At this point, TNSE should give the fans what they want with the team. In turn, I’m certain the new Jets merchandise will be just as popular as the old merchandise.
More news about the NHL’s return and from around the NHL after the jump.
Winnipeg Free Press: Atlanta Thrashers Head Scout to Run Draft. The draft is why you pay scouts, so it’s no surprise that Marcel Comeau will get his day in the spotlight. Zinger & Chevy will get their say on the 7th overall pick, but after that will rely heavily on the pre-draft analysis compiled by the scouts.
Hot 103 Radio Station: Take the Pledge not to Riot. Winnipeg radio station piles on to Vancouver’s misery by creating a pledge for Winnipeggers to take, stipulating they wont recreate the insanity witnessed in Vancouver last night.
Times and Transcript: Former Cats coach faces uncertain future. Nothing fun about playing the waiting game for Thrashers associate coach John Torchetti.
Winnipeg Free Press: Coaching Carousel Continues to Spin. Rumoured to be a front runner for the Minnesota Wild position, Craig MacTavish joins the list of people interviewed or soon to be interviewed (Noel, Ramsey, Muller, Haviland) by TNSE.
Winnipeg Sun: ‘Peg can dare to dream about winning the cup. I’m still trying to figure out if Winnipeg being back in the NHL is a dream. Right now I think most people are dreaming about our team name.
Other NHL News:
Globe and Mail: Rioting overshadows hockey as Vancouver reels after Game 7 loss. Pathetic display. I wish I could say I’m surprised but there are always going to be some idiots who ruin it for everyone else. Apparently the theme song should have been the Kaiser Chiefs “I predict a riot“.
Boston Globe: Bruins win first Stanley Cup in 39 years. Good time to be a fan of sports in New England, which with last night’s win, has now won a title in all 4 major professional sports within the last decade.
TSN: Bruins win the Stanley Cup. Congrats to the hard working Bruins team on winning a cup for the city of Boston, its first since 1971. Specifically to Tim Thomas, who at 37 is playing like he is 27 and to Mark Recchi, who announced his retirement following the game, a game which saw him win his 3rd Stanley Cup ring. Also a kudos to Shane Hnidy, the only Manitoban on the Bruins.
Toronto Sun: Council rejects call to support second NHL team. If they could have 2 hockey teams in one city it most certainly would be Toronto.
Recap of the game.
55 will be part of team ownership according to the NHL insider.
Fresh off hitting 100 points the Jets will practice as they get set for the…
Guests: Dan Robertson at 24:48 and Martin Biron at 1:23:02.
Keeping you up-to-date with all the latest pro hockey news in Manitoba.
Recap of the game.