Winnipeg Jets Afternoon Links

Winnipeg Free Press:  Jets reach broadcast agreement with TSN.  Ed Tait was the first to break the news of a…

14 years ago

Monday Afternoon Links

TSN:  Ramsay informed he won't coach in Winnipeg.  Looks like True North wants to go in a new direction.  Wonder…

14 years ago

Relocation News: All Winnipeg NHL related news Day 11

CTV Winnipeg:  Plans for Winnipeg celebration taking place, despite no official confirmation on NHL return.  All I can say is…

14 years ago

Relocation News: All Winnipeg NHL related news Day 4

Vancouver Sun:  Relocation to Winnipeg could open door to more.  I would love to to see the Nordiques and Whalers…

14 years ago

Drama in the Desert & Dixie: Yotes vote goes tomm, will Atlanta decision be postponed till next season

TSN:  Dave Naylor reporting via twitter that Goldwater's lead attorney on the Coyotes case will be at meeting tomorrow night…

14 years ago

Drama in the Desert: COG goes all in for Coyotes, Saga of Yotes to end Tuesday, what does this mean for Winnipeg?

Winnipeg Free Press:  Coyotes chronicle to end Tuesday.  You have to give Councilor Lieberman credit.  He sure possesses some chutzpah....…

14 years ago

Drama in the Desert & Dixie: NHL to Winnipeg hopes just won’t die, Viability of NHL in Winnipeg and Quebec, Loonie boosts odds of NHL success in Canada

Atlanta Journal Constitution:  Uncertain future looms over Thrashers.  On the surface there doesn't appear to be a sense of urgency…

14 years ago

Teams in Trouble: Coach’s Corner Don Cherry thinks Winnipeg Thrashers sounds good, Thrashers decline to comment on “speculation” of move to Peg’, Glendale on hook for 25 million

Phoenix Coyotes News: Arizona Republic:  Goldwater Institute sends out a mailer to an unlikely non-supporter, Mayor Scruggs.  She couldn't have…

14 years ago