Scott Gordon

More on the Scott Gordon hiring

From Greg Logan of Newsday: Some might find fault with Snow for choosing a coach who is unproven at the…

16 years ago

NHL Morning Papers (Wednesday Edition)

Here are the morning papers for Wednesday the 13th of August: Dan Wood of the Orange County Register is asking…

16 years ago

Bob Hartley appears to be the favorite on Long Island

From Craig Custance of the Sporting News: It's kind of been on the back burner with other stories like the…

16 years ago

Some information on Islanders coaching candidate Scott Gordon

From Fluto Shinwaza of the Boston Globe:While Gordon doesn't have any NHL coaching experience, he is considered an up-and-comer because…

16 years ago

Maurice heads list of Islanders coaching candidates

From Greg Logan of Newsday:Former Toronto coach Paul Maurice has the pole position in the interview process to determine the…

16 years ago