Gary Bettman

Stanley Cup 2009: Rink Ratings Bonanza

From Population Statistics we get a good breakdown of the numbers: Your National Hockey League is on a real roll…

15 years ago

Breaking News: No Canada! Judge Rejects Sale of Coyotes to Balsillie–UPDATED

In an ruling handed down mere minutes ago, Judge Redfield T. Baum has rejected the bankruptcy sale and subsequent move…

15 years ago

Waiting is the Hardest Part–UPDATED

From The Arizona judge overseeing the legal battle for the Phoenix Coyotes says he will not make a final…

15 years ago

Notes from Today’s Press Conferences: Coach Babcock (In Pittsburgh)

From Coach Babcock: Q.  A lot of your players were saying after the game last night that they all…

15 years ago

An Idiot’s Guide to the Day in the Phoenix Courtroom

Written by yours truly, the Chief Justice of Idiots. For those who can handle complete sentences, check out  David Shoalts's…

15 years ago

Bettman v. Balsillie–The Day of Reckoning is Upon Us

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive. The question though, of who indeed is taking…

15 years ago