TSN: Dreger Report (Point #5). Not sure why Dreger thinks the league must be optimistic or else they would have pulled the plug by now. Why would they do that? It would kill any revenue they could generate for the remaining Coyotes home games (both regular + post season).
Goldwater Institute: Clint Bolick explains the Glendale-Coyotes situation to Pat McMahon (video). Bolick’s best line in response to McMahon asking if it upset him to be opposing Senator John McCain was; “its a disappointment that the man who took Barry Goldwater’s seat, and who fights pork in Washington, D.C is standing against the GWI and wanting to subsidize a Chicago businessman”.
Winnipeg Sun: Coyotes’ long road to ruin. Paul Friesen’s coverage from Glendale has been excellent. This piece is a very informative.
Winnipeg Sun: Thrashers/Coyotes amongst worst of the worst in terms of sports loyalty. Playing Devils Advocate (although IC’s Ezzy should probably play that role since he is a NJ Devil loyalist) what would the Coyotes or Thrashers organization look like if they had an owner like the Red Wing’s Mike Illitch? Would that stability have people driving to downtown Atlanta more often, or out to Glendale? Speaking from my own experience, I used to drive 1.5 hrs (each way) just to see the Wings play and who owned the team wasn’t ever a factor in my deciding to go watch live NHL hockey.
CBC: Have no fear, some NHL’ers would gladly come here. Always nice to hear former players talk glowingly of their time here in the Peg’.
Winnipeg Free Press: Nordiques Nation planning a new Big Apple power play. Loud and proud. Gotta hand it to these guys, they know how to make a splash. Unfortunately as Jim Balsillie learned, the NHL isn’t too fond of demonstrations which will draw attention to struggling franchises.
Picture of the Day – Pattison sign @ Winnipeg Airport:
Video of the Day – NHL players discussing NHL hockey in Winnipeg:
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