TSN: Dreger Report (#2). Discussing how much longer Winnipeg can wait.
Forbes: Hulsizer Getting Cold Feet On Purchase of Coyotes Can you blame him for not wanting to get involved with a possible lawsuit from Goldwater?
Globe & Mail: The real trouble with the Atlanta Thrashers. Mirtle offers his thoughts on how Phoenix and Atlanta differ.
Hamilton Spectator: Winnipeg turns the Jets on. Very good article which captures the enthusiasm in Winnipeg.
Edmonton Journal: Potential NHL markets should make Edmonton worry. At least the myth of a lack of corporate support in Winnipeg is being crushed.
Globe & Mail: Revised deal for Coyotes could be on table. Interesting to see how the principals involved in the deal don’t appear to know what is going on with this dog and pony show. Let’s hope little Logan doesn’t make a return appearance and sway the council.
Winnipeg Free Press: The end of Coyotes saga could be near. A few too many ‘maybes’ and ‘coulds’ for my liking. Time for emphatic “this is the day” talk. For example I am perfectly prepared to boldly predict that this situation will aboslutely, 100% be resolved by June 22, 2011 (when 2011/12 schedule is released).
TSN: Return to Winnipeg hub. No new news to report, but if you hadn’t noticed, TSN has now given a return of NHL hockey to Winnipeg it’s own page.
Phoenix Business Journal: No Kings-sized help for Phoenix. An interesting perspective on how the business community in Arizona has not stepped up in the Coyotes moment of need.
Win or Lose the day after a Jets game we get some next-day thoughts on…
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Recap of the game.
Bryan Hayes joined That's Hockey host Gino Reda to discuss.
A look at the projected lineups and pre-game interviews.
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