Ryan Fancey

Ryan Fancey

On the Farm:  IceCaps struggling on home iceOn the Farm:  IceCaps struggling on home ice

On the Farm: IceCaps struggling on home ice

Despite being road warriors, the Caps haven't been as dominant on the Rock.

13 years ago
On the Farm: Are the IceCaps using Cormier properly?On the Farm: Are the IceCaps using Cormier properly?

On the Farm: Are the IceCaps using Cormier properly?

Our eyes on the East Coast, Ryan Fancey takes a look at the arrested development of Patrice Cormier.

13 years ago
On the Farm:  Carl Klingberg’s strong startOn the Farm:  Carl Klingberg’s strong start

On the Farm: Carl Klingberg’s strong start

Carl Klingberg has used two very strong home outings (silent hat-trick included) to help vault himself to the top of…

13 years ago
On the Farm:  The Postma always rings twiceOn the Farm:  The Postma always rings twice

On the Farm: The Postma always rings twice

... or maybe three times.  (Note:  Ryan wrote this prior to Postma knocking 4 times in last night's Jets contest).…

13 years ago